The company owns 100 hectares (ha) of land and leases an additional 50 hectares. It produces fruits and vegetables following the seasonal cycle.
The company has 25 hectares of vineyards, 20 hectares of asparagus fields, 15 hectares of orchards, 2 hectares of olive groves, 15 hectares of vegetable crops, and the remaining land is dedicated to arable farming, including crops such as wheat, corn, soybeans, barley, and rapeseed.
They attend 6 markets per week in town squares to promote their products and collaborate with major distribution companies to provide high-quality k0 (presumably referring to their product) and participate in fair trade markets.
L’evoluzione continua è il mantra dell’azienda. Le mura e lo spirito sono ancora gli stessi del 1800. Siamo un’azienda 4.0 con continua innovazione tecnologica soprattutto per l’efficienza acquifera.